About us
About Us
Agency for the Development of the Oppressed through Relief and Education (ADORE) is a charitable organization (Reg no Q 181/84) with all India jurisdiction and head quarters at Kollam in Kerala. It was formed in the eighties of the last century under the pioneering leadership of Adv. P. A. Cyrus and Br. S.K. Abraham, with the specific purpose of working among the oppressed and depressed communities of India, for their liberation and development. At present ADORE is engaged in the holistic development of poor tribals and dalits of the Rayagada district in Orissa state.
ADORE HostelsAdore adopts very poor dalit and tribal children coming from the interior villages where educational facilities are not available and educate them by providing them hostel facilities near existing schools. The strategy of starting school hostels for these children is derived from our own experience of working among them. Our aim is the intellectual, moral and physical development of these children so as to mould them as efficient future village leaders. They will be properly motivated to go back to their villages after education to give effective leadership to their communities as catalysts of social change and holistic development.
Hostel Facilities- Free boarding, lodging, medical and recreational facilities.
- Help to pursue their academic studies as regular day scholars in the neighbouring schools.
- Special tuition in academic studies wherever necessary.
- Appropriate moral and religious education to create new vision and goals in life, new commitment, new value system, new life style, all congenial for the holistic development of their communities.
- In addition to regular academic studies, we also plan to give them proper training in various rural vocations like agriculture, village and cottage industries, teaching, health work etc according to their aptitude and option.
Each hostel functions under the charge of one committed couple. They stay in the hostel with the children as wardens. They also function as social workers in the nearby villages, conscientising the villagers and giving moral leadership for their upliftment.
ADORE work at a GlanceAt present ADORE supports 100 children and 5 wardens cum social workers. The main hostel at Jimidipeta accommodates fifty five children. Number of hostels to be 2, situated at Jimidipetta and Gudam. One Girls' Hostel and the other boys'. At Present ADORE adopt two villages namely Tilesu and Ambaguda.
Village Extension ActivitiesAt Present ADORE adopt two villages namely Tilesu and Ambaguda under this programme. Village extension activities also be in progress to be villages like Mirichapadu , Anandpur and Suruni. Social work include Adult Education programms, conscientisation against alcoholism, casteism, illicit brewing of liquor, superstitions and other social evils, sanitation programme, etc , are the activities.
There is ample scope and need for expanding the work to other areas. Your prayerful participation and support is requested by way of sponsorship or occasional financial contributions to ADORE. A student can be sponsored by paying Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only) per annum. Those who are interested in sponsorship may please fill up the sponsorship form provided here with. Payments may be sent to the Treasurer, ADORE, C/O Koruthu Samuel,
Mullassery Bhavan. Vallikeezhu Nagar. Kavanad P O , Kollam-3 691003. Kerala, South India, through A/C payee cheque or draft drawn in favour of “ADORE”
Amounts can also be transferred to the following Accounts :
- For Indian Accounts: A/C no.57034230126. SBI BISHOP JEROME NAGAR KOLLAM. IFS CODE. SBIN0070054
- For Outside Indian Accounts: FCRA A/C Details.
Accout No. 00000040107456931
Nature of Account: FCRA- Savings Bank Account INR
Branch Name & Code: New Delhi Main Branch (00691)
Jesus said,
In as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brothren, you did it to me. (St. Mathew 25: 40)